
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Check, next

- The Inner Me -
If I had a to-do list of things that were fitted to my actual daily life, it might go like this:
  1. Disappoint someone
  2. Get pleasure from something immensely simple
  3. Be flaky, at least once
  4. Make a mistake at work
  5. Drive responsibly, then drive incredibly irresponsibly
  6. Make a remark that sounds racist, then declare I'm not racist
  7. Be rude
  8. Be nice
  9. Have one million thoughts, many of them contradictory
  10. Love Texas
  11. Hate Texas
  12. Think I know everything
  13. Think I know nothing
My human condition puzzles me more the longer I live.The photo today accurately portrays my true constant state of mind. The hands holding me in place are those of my mother, who, unfortunately, is not around to keep me steady when I'm swaying, although I often think, "WWRD"? What would Rosemary do? This is not really helpful, as my mother was a very confident and righteous woman and did not waver. Not very helpful for one weak sister (that's me). Still, it's nice to have a point of reference and lofty ideals.

Okay, well, now I'm off to finish my missteps of the day.

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