
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Coming up: quail and mud

Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch 100th Quail Appreciation Day will be held May 17, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. $30 fee, limit of 75 people for the event. Lunch is included. It will take place at the headquarters in Fisher County, about 15 miles west of Roby.

Fisher County Red Dirt Mud Bog LLC is kicking off the season this Saturday, May 18, 11:00 a.m. $10 to get in and $35 to enter a vehicle. There are usually concessions on site. The event will be held at the Rotan rodeo grounds, on the western outskirt of town.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

A little twist

bluebonnet seed pods
- Bluebonnet pods -

Did you know that bluebonnet seeds pop open? I only learned that this week, drying pods I had gathered from Hobbs Cemetery, where they are abundant after the flowers bloom.

I had them sitting in a bowl in a sunny window, where I kept hearing a tick now and then. I thought it was the sound of a dirt dobber nest falling or a cricket jumping, but then I realized it had to be the seeds. Fascinating!

As the pod dries, it twists to force the seed out.

I put another bowl on top to keep the seeds from ending up all over the floor. This seemed to make them pop more because of the enclosed heat.

I think I'll try stopping on a roadside that is full of pods and see if I can hear them popping. That'll be a new experience that has been not so quietly happening nearly in my own back yard all my life. I wonder what other things I haven't noticed? I have a feeling there's a lot to learn.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

An update on my internet trial

- travlfi internet device -

This little travlfi Journey1 device is a game changer for rural internet.

On one side, it is a little expensive to purchase, start and maintain, but on the other, I am getting endless and consistent service.

I feel so modern, being able to stream without counting gigabytes! 

I sent one to a friend in rural Alabama to try out and she is having a good experience. She uses it for gaming as well as streaming videos and podcasts. She reports that it sometimes lags a little, but for the most part, she is very happy with its performance.

I'm holding on to my AT&T Netgear because I'm still getting the 100 gb for $55 deal. I also wanted to make sure this new hotspot worked before letting go of the old one. I toggle back and forth between using them.

Here's a breakdown of information for the new service:
  • Travlfi is the name of the company, Journey1 is the name of the device
  • Device cost is between $150-200
  • Monthly cost is $129, first payment will include a $25 activation fee
  • Not connected with any one carrier
  • Easy to activate

There are seven different plans with different prices, ranging from $19-129. I chose the unlimited plan.

I recommend this device.

Friday, May 10, 2024

A change in the landscape

Construction worker on site
- Sweetwater High demolition -
It was a bit of a shock to drive by the Sweetwater High School this week and see that half of it was gone. 

It was also funny to see buildings that had not seen full sunshine in their lifetime brought to the forefront.

The old band hall and cafeteria courtyard had been eclipsed by the tennis courts, ag building and gym for decades. 

The gym was the last of the original Newman High School structure, I believe.

I remember occupying those spaces for four years, during my time of education on that campus.

I could be wistful, but after I felt shock, I remembered that I didn't like school very much.

It's time to welcome the new generation.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Delight in the written word

You know what's great about a book? An actual, physical, paper-bound book?

I can read uninterrupted. 

There is no chat box or frantic video popping into view, interrupting my thoughts and the narrative of a story. No big-boody woman in tight lycra, no ad for items I don't need or want, no disgusting earwax or leech-looking creature suddenly appears on the page. There is no pop-up asking me to sign in. No one is warning me about cookies, spam or unsecured pages.

There's nothing to distract me from the interpretation of the subject that the author is conveying.  I can leisurely traipse amongst the words I am reading, having fully formed ideas.

When I don't recognize a character or I can't quite remember what happened in an earlier chapter, I can simply turn back the pages. 

I get to use a bookmark. I can carry the book around. I ponder the cover, and inside the back flap I read about the author. I feel the weight of the book. I smell the pages.

The beauty of books on a shelf, or stacked up next to the bed, is a comfort. All the favorites are at hand.

I like books in all forms. I use the old Kindle, where the only ad is on the stand-by page (for some book I would never read). I read a lot on the internet, mostly articles. I read, read, read to keep sane, and I can appreciate all the forms that literature comes in.

But, man, there's nothing like a book.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Small town economy growth

Lot for new store in Rotan, TX
- Hardware store site -
It looks like it's really going to happen. 

A "Coming Soon" sign has been placed on the combined lots of the former  Family Dollar Store and White's Hardware.

In a small town like Rotan, this is very exciting. It's been a very long time since the community has gotten to break in a brand spanking new store.

Most businesses make do with old buildings, like both the demolished stores were.

This could be the start of a new trend. Next the town needs a department store. A place to buy water hoses, socks, underwear, pens, paper, curtain rods, bathroom rugs and what have you would be mightily appreciated.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A real hoot

Dear Ma,

I picked up a book the other day, some fella wrote one about a red letter. Pretty funny, using almost all the alphabet to write a story about just one.

Well, this here Hawthorne guy has me about falling off my stool with some of his writings. In one part, he hated his job so much that when he got fired he said it was like a person thinking about committing suicide only to have the good fortune to be murdered. What a wit!

In another piece he talks about politicians wishing they could actually cut off the heads of the outgoing party instead of just thinking about it, but it wasn't their way to kick the head after cutting it off, either real or imaginary. Hilarious!

Anyway, really looking forward to more hijinks and spirit in this tome.

Love, Ezekiel