
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Abject Criticizing

Looking at Twitter, to the right, you will see that I commented on a black cloud hanging overhead.

Unfortunately, it is not rain. I get in these damned moods where I am so hyper-critical that even I can't stand myself. I gripe at the tv, the cat, chickens and I have deep ruminations.

If I were a cast iron pot, my lid would be rattling from a slow boil.

So, I'm going to make one heavily edited comment just to get it out of me, then we can get to the lighter side of life.

The insurance company that provides coverage to state employees is going up thirty dollars per month on everyone who uses tobacco. I think that is taking advantage of a captive audience.

Ok, there ya go.

We briefly visited the West Texas Fair & Rodeo yesterday. The photo is of the most clever entry. It's not worded that way on the ribbon, but that's what it is. When I saw it, I thought, "Of course, why haven't I thought of it!", which makes it even more ingenious, because it's been right there in front of me all the time. Now there will be a wave of bathtub settees across the area. It's about time, the bathtub planters are so last season.

I noticed that Tom Wideman won first prize in antiques kitchenware with a metal muffin pan. I'm supposing this is the former mayor of Sweetwater, Rattlesnake Round-Up aficionado and past owner of West Texas Manufacturing. Way to go, Tommy!

There were all kinds of entries, birth certificates included. I quit looking when I saw an entry of an Avon bottle that was shaped like a Sherlock Holmes bulldog pipe. One that I know every single one of you has seen, and would quickly toss in the trash if you were cleaning out a closet. I'm pretty sure we had one sitting on the back of the toilet for years. Or something of Avon 70's vintage. I mean, who didn't?

There were some pretty cowgirl contestants giving speeches, and I wish I had room for those photos on here, too. They were beautiful girls wearing fancy clothes, but not in an unsavory fashion. How refreshing to see a nice Texas girl.

We didn't indulge in the carnival foods, 'cause you know I save that for the previously mentioned Rattlesnake Round-Up in March. Twice a year would just be too much.

One more thing to say. The fair is here, so where's the rain?

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