
Friday, July 26, 2024

RRC response to earthquakes

"The Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) has been investigating the earthquakes that have occurred this week in the Camp Springs area along the Fisher/Scurry County line in West Texas.
In efforts to reduce seismicity possibly caused by underground injection of produced water, several operators in the area have converted deep saltwater disposal wells to shallow saltwater disposal wells within the last year. (Disposal wells are used to dispose of produced water, which is water that comes out from wells during oil and gas production.)
RRC inspectors are out inspecting saltwater disposal wells within two and a half miles of the cluster of earthquakes this week and the RRC will evaluate next steps that can be taken to mitigate earthquakes.

We’ll continue to take measures necessary to protect the environment and residents in the area."

-This was in response to an email I sent them this morning. My original inquiry is posted below:

We had another big quake like the one on Monday. I'm in Fisher County in Texas. We've had multiple quakes between now and then. It is becoming very alarming. If saltwater injection is inducing the quaking, can you help in any way? It is frightening to feel like the house may be destroyed with me in it.

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