
Thursday, September 1, 2022

If only I could find that file

I wish I could find a list of all the books I checked out of the school libraries during my time at Reagan Junior High, Sweetwater Middle School and Sweetwater High School. I'd also like a list of the books I had in my childhood library at home. As it is, I can only recall about three standouts out of the hundreds of books I've read. 

Not all spectacular literature, there was a pretty trashy bout during eighth grade, books that the girls passed around and hid from teachers and mothers. No titles will be mentioned.

I have a lot of favorite authors and books that I go back to, but the three that I'm thinking about today are The Diary of Trilby Frost by Dianne Glaser, The House of Stairs by William Sleator, and The Mirror by Marlys Millhiser. The first two might be juvenile, but the last has adult themes in it, which means it talks about sex, sometimes. Not gratuitously, it's just in there in a contextual way. 

Now, I might get all crazy and start naming other excellent books that are popping into my head, like A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck, but I'm going to hold back. 

I guess I haven't lost all the files. A little nudge might help me find a few.

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