
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Me & My Credit Report, Just Walkin' Down the Avenue...

I have a friend that bought Identity Theft Insurance recently, and the company had her fill out forms so that they could access her credit report though the major reporting companies. It got me to thinking about something I had heard about being able to get a free credit report.

Well, I received a letter of denied credit, once again, for some kind of credit card (thank goodness!), but this time I actually read the letter, and it said that under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, I had the right to a free credit report for the next 60 days from the reporting company listed on the letter (it was Equifax).

I then went to the Equifax website looking for my free report and found out that the Federal Trade Commission had amended the FACT Act (under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act) in October, and that everyone is allowed one free credit report yearly.

I then somehow ended up at the Annual Credit Report website, where you can order your free credit report from all three major credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

The Annual Credit Report site is easy to use and now I know what the bottom line is on my credit. You don't get your credit rating, that's extra (you have to pay), but it shows negative items, accounts in good standing and recent requests for your credit history. A very handy website, indeed.

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