You will reap what you sow, what comes around goes around, and, as Earl says, "Maybe Karma's behind this whole thing."
And if such beliefs hold true for malicious people, then they should hold true for the good ones as well.
There are probably some of you good folks that feel like Karma, good fortune, the bountiful fruits of life, are not bestowing gifts on you in return for following the rules, paying your taxes and doing unto others.
I recall a conversation I had with my dad one time when I was trying to read Exodus (couldn't get past the girding of loins while eating mutton or whose fault it is if the neighbor's donkey falls in a hole your servant dug). I was going on and on about how gripey those people (Israelites) were even though Moses was trying to help out. "They just complain and complain," I said. "First of all, he's leading them to their freedom. They say they're thirsty, he scrounges them water (with some help, ha, ha). They're hungry, he provides food (more help). Still, they kvetched and moaned. "I mean, what's up with that?" I asked, and I remember my dad's answer was like someone suddenly hitting a gong. "People still do that today."
I wish I could convey how powerful a message that was as it came to me that day. If I could draw a picture, I would have a lightning bolt striking my head. We still do it today.
I'm not much for being put on a guilt trip, so that's not what this is. This is what is sounds like when I talk to myself. I say, "Self, you are a good person for the most part, and you do have a good life. Just because you're a little put out by the weather or someone going slow in front of you (or perhaps more serious offenses) doesn't mean you are not reaping the fruits of life. Hey, Self, remember, you have a warm house, a fine husband, beautiful, smart kids, healthy, too. You have lots of friends and family that love you. And you got one heckuva dog in Sue. Yep, it's really not so bad. Not bad at all."
Then I pull out my list and mark Joy off. Okay, I thought that was pretty funny, but if you don't watch "My Name is Earl", you have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm not recommending it, either, because I'm sure some might find it offensive. I just think it's funny, sometimes. The basic message is good.
Anyway, I want to thank you all for coming to the sermon today, and if you could just leave a little money in the plate as you leave, I'll be able to meet you at Dairy Queen for lunch.
Great post! Where is that money plate?